Monday, October 15, 2007

Awwww, so cute!

I just love that my boys care so much for each other. Benny is always asking about when he gets up in the morning, he'll say, "Mommy, where's Xavier?" usually he's downstairs already, drinking his milk for the morning, and I'll say, "Xavier's downstairs." Ben will then inevitably say, "ok Mommy, I gonna go see Xavier." And upon seeing Ben first thing in the morning, Xavier will "talk" to him and kick his legs and clap. He apparently wonders where his brother is too, and then is delighted to see him once he appears :)

Ben is becoming increasingly independent and frequently insists on doing things himself. For example: Last night I was at work, and Nick's parents were visiting. Nick took Ben upstairs to get his pj's on. Of course Ben had to pick them out, and then when that ordeal was over, he told Nick, "Daddy, go downstairs and see Papa. Go watch football. I put my pants on by myself."

So here are some pictures from last week of my boys loving each other.

Ben rolled Xavier up like a sausage - surprisingly, Xavier was completely ok with it!