Monday, June 1, 2009

Xavier is excited!

Can you tell? And he has good reason...Nick and I FINALLY made a decision that Xavier will attend Hazel Harvery Elementary School in Doylestown for Kindergarten. The choice was not made lightly -- we had many options that were whittled down to two elementary schools: one with a dedicated special needs program but in a different town, and our hometown elementary. When it came down to it, it was way more important to have Xavier close to home, in his own community, with people who are interested in and excited about working with him.
He's a bit of a pioneer in our district schools, as there hasn't been someone of his developmental disability level there in a long time. But, there are several teachers, therapists and interventional specialists there that are willing to learn about Xavier and how to help him learn and interact. And be a part of our little boy's mission here on earth - to help others grow in knowledge and spirit.

We met a few of those people today on a visit to register Xavier for kindergarten at the school. It was such a pleasure to meet his new interventional specialists, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Kerr. We can already tell that they are lovable ladies and Xavier took to them right away.

I can't tell you how stressed I've been about this decision. I've run the gamut of emotions - frustrated, irritated, sad, confused...but now, I feel like I can rest easy and enjoy the summer. We have kindergarten to look forward to - and we're now confident we made the right choice for Xavier - his hometown school :-)


Trent said...

YEAH!!!!!!!! I bet you could shout it from the roof tops!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad that you found a school and GREAT teachers who are willing to give it a try. It will be a great experience for Xavier and for the teachers. Very exciting!


Anonymous said...

Just remember he has every right to be at the public school in your town and they have to meet his needs, regardless. I just hope he has a kindergarten teacher next year who has a big heart and really cares about all of her students.

Kristy said...

I don't know who said that up there, but you're right. Xavier has every right to be there, and his needs will be met. I'll make sure of that.

Unfortunately, the feelings have not be all warm and fuzzy from the school, and that's what's made our decision really difficult (along with other considerations...) But we are holding hope that a few people there with dear hearts will make his day special. I know he'll find ways to make their day special. :-)