Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2009 Christmas Prep

Happy Groundhog Day! Now...lets talk about last year's Christmas! HA!
Bennett made this card at school - apparently, in his mind, Jesus resembles a segmented insect with a mohawk.

We made our first gingerbread house. It was fun to build (construction was surprising easy, compared to other horror stories I've been told), but not so fun to decorate. The cheapo icing bag that came with the kit broke about 5 minutes into decorating it...make the rest of the job excruiatingly tedious. We did the best we could, and it came out alright.

The end product of 'the house'.

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A "Thanksgiving gift" I gave Nick (so we could have it up in the weeks before Christmas). We LOVE "A Christmas Story". And it doesn't hurt that I believe Xavier bares a striking resemblance with Peter Billingsly (Ralphie.)
"NOT A FINGER!" (pronounced 'fingaaa!', and said with much frustration.)


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Here's Bennett, spreading magic reindeer food. My friend Lisa has the super secret recipe, and she was very generous in giving us a bag to scatter on our lawn Christmas Eve. Ben took FOREVER in the 20 degree temps to spread it just right, so the reindeer would see it.

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The bros loving on each other ----

This was Ben's pick for a pose - Xavier thought this was funny.

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Here's Ralphie by the tree. I mean Xavier.

Xavier loves the white lights. He could stare at them all day long. This picture is pretty special, because it really tells you just how much wonder and amazement he feels when looking at them. Kind of an "ooooo-ahhhhh" expression, right? :-)

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1 comment:

Trent and Rachel said...

that Lamp Leg Nightlight!!!!! That's the best Jerry---the best----the best!
I am JEALOUS of it.
The boys pictures together are so great. What friends!
