When you read the next post below, you'll see we also went to "A Day Out with Thomas" on May 23rd. Of course, this was just coincidence, but Ben was convinced that Nick picked to do that as his special birthday activity. "Daddy's gonna have a Thomas birthday today!" Oh my, very funny.
I got Nick a reel mower for his birthday. Now here's my bit about our family's efforts to be a little "green". Our lawn mower is about to bite the dust, so I started looking for a new one, and was blown away by how terrible they are for the environment. Nick has always mentioned to me he'd love to have a reel mower (think old-fashioned, without a motor, just blades that spin with human-power pushing).
Here's the facts folks: if you want to put as many hydrocarbons into the atmosphere in one hour as an ancient SUV does in about 2 years, go ahead and mow your lawn. Yeah. That's crazy. So I got on the green bus, bought one of these gems, and its awesome. We're sold. No gas, no maintenance, easy to push, beautiful grass, safe, clean. Go to www.ecomowers.com to find out more. Ok, now I must be careful not to trip as I step down off my soapbox that's, ahem, green. For those of you who know me well, you know I'm quite clumsy. ;-)
Oh, and in all my preaching, I've forgotten the most obvious -- Happy Birthday, Nick, we love you! - XO!
Oh man! That post gave me a good laugh Kristy. Power to the People Kristy! You are hilarious but so VERY true. By the way Nick, you can still take out the real mower you keep at the neighbors while Kristy is at work! hee hee
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Nick! I love the new mower...Darin would kill me if I got him one of those.
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