...from our little lamb and Easter bunny! As you can see, Benny was not amused with my attempt to have him play dress up for the camera. Xavier was a ham as usual and played along. We had a fun day - went to church where Xavier sang his little heart out and Benny played with Silly Putty, and then to Gma and Gpa Pandrea's for Easter dinner and a birthday celebration for Xavier. Benny thought the egg hunt was such a fun game - the eggs were filled with stickers, puppy and kitty tatoos, and a single jelly bean here and there (giving Benny sugar is like throwing fuel on an already raging fire.) The funny part was, he was most thrilled with the 2nd round of the egg hunt (we had to keep him busy while dinner was being prepared) when I had to refill the eggs with things spur of the moment...finding the cheese cube from the appetizer tray in one of the eggs was absolutely thrilling to him - "CHEESE!!!" he shouted with such excitement, like he had just won the lottery. The only disappointing part about the day was the weather - cold and snowy - more than we had on Christmas!
Travels with Aaron (as of Jan 2011)
14 years ago
I love the picture of Ben with his ears on - such a pouty face!
Love,love,love the picture of Ben with his bunny ears. Makes me laugh outloud!
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